For everything you need to know when you start at Waitemata DHB.
There are ATM machines in the main entrance foyers of both hospital buildings. North Shore Hospital: ASB
Waitakere Hospital: Westpac
Each of the hospitals has a staff cafe on the lower ground floor. There is a menu of hot food, which changes daily. Sandwiches, salads, other pre-packaged items, and espresso coffee and hot beverages are also available.
In addition, North Shore Hospital has two public cafes, Habitat Cafe on the ground floor and the ES Cafe in the Elective Surgery Centre. Waitakere Hospital has a public cafe on the ground floor called Delimarche. Staff receive a 10 per cent discount on most items on presentation of their ID card.
The chaplains are available to provide spiritual, emotional, and social support to staff of any or no faith on a confidential basis. Chaplains are available for employees, patients, and their families from Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm. The chaplains can be contacted by e-mail or mobile.
After hours there is a chaplain available on call for emergencies. Please call the operator and ask to be transferred to the on-call chaplain. North Shore Sunday Service is held in the Chapel of St Luke, Spiritual Centre, Level 3 in the main Tower Block at 11am.
The chapel at Waitakere Hospital is located on the lower ground floor.
North Shore Hospital
Takapuna Learning Space
Phone: 488 0417
www.thelearningspace.co.nz or Email:takapuna@thelearningspace.co.nz
A privately run child care centre that provides a service for Waitemata DHB staff catering to children aged from three months to five years.
Best care information, resources and rapid guidance for all Waitematā DHB clinicians. The Clinical Electronic Decision Support System ( CeDs, Pronounced "Seds") is a portal of websites for all clinicians within Waitematā DHB. This is the go-to-web place for rapid clinical guidance, information and documents needed for decision making and information at the point of care. Here you will find:
- Quick guides - text, images, videos
- links to policies
- links to approved external guidelines and articles
- forms
- approved patient information
- contacts and referral information
The information on these pages has been selected by clinical leaders to ensure all clinicians can access quality current and locally relevant knowledge and tools to care for their patient. This promotes consistency and reduces error as well as saving time. The content is reviewed at least annually.
For more information, go to CeDS under the quick links menu on the staffnet homepage or email ceds@waitematadhb.govt.nz
Location: Level 1, Building 5, North Shore Hospital.