For everything you need to know when you start at Waitemata DHB.
Internet access is available for DHB business only - usage is monitored and incorrect use is reported. Some sites, such as Trade me or Facebook, cannot be accessed by staff.
There are computers available in the staff cafeteria at North Shore Hospital for those wishing to access the internet for personal use during breaks. Waitemata DHB's Internet site is: www.waitematadhb.govt.nz.
Staff should familiarise themselves with the healthAlliance Internet Use policy on StaffNet.
If you need the services of the Peace you will find a list of JP's available in your area in the paper copy of the Yellow Pages or at www.yellow.co.nz/new-zealand/justices-of-the-peace
Alternatively you can go to the Royal Federation of NZ Justices' Association web site to search for JP's near your home www.ipfed.org.nz/Find+a+JP.html
The library provides electronic and hard copy resources - books and journals and a range of other services. As well you can also register for Ezprozy access to our e-journals, e-books and databases from home. The North Shore Hospital Library is open and staffed, 8.30am - 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (except Statutory Holidays) and you can also apply for after-hours (24/7) access to the library. We also have an unstaffed Reading Room at Waitakere Hospital, Health West Building. Both sites have computers and quiet space for study.
Library staff can help you with:
- database and literature searches
- document supply services
- Endnote (and other bibliographic tools) support
- space for study
Students based at Waitematā DHB services:
- reference services
- space for study
- photocopying
For more information go to the library in the A-Z directory on staffnet or email librarywdhb@waitematadhb.govt.nz or phone 486 8920 x 42534
Nursing Development Service is a Nursing hub. It is staffed by nurse consultants, nurse educators and clinical coaches. Our vision is to provide an easily accessible, professional and reliable support service to nursing staff.
Services include; hot desks for nursing staff, PDRP information & guidance, Post Graduate funding (HWNZ) information and WDHB Education programmes.
Waitemata DHB is committed to promoting and maintaining the health, safety and well being of everyone affected by its business. Located at both North Shore and Waitakere Hospitals, Occupational Health and Safety Services (OHSS) offer a clinical, resource and advisory service for all workers of Waitemata DHB. Comprehensive information is available on the StaffNet:
North Shore Hospital, Level 1, 17 Shea Terrace, Phone ext. 42829
Waitakere Hospital, Ground floor, Snelgar Building, Phone ext 46134
For assistance with health and safety concerns after hours call the Duty Manager at North Shore or Waitakere Hospital.