For everything you need to know when you start at Waitemata DHB.
Outpatient pharmacies are located in the main foyer of both North Shore and Waitakere Hospitals. The pharmacies carry a range of products and gifts as well as dispensing medicines. Phone cards, stamps and greeting cards are also available here. Both Pharmacies are owned and operated by Waitemata DHB, and proceeds are used to improve patient care within our hospitals. A 10% discount on non-prescription purchases is available to all staff members when a staff ID card is presented.
The NSH pharmacy is open from 8.30am to 6pm on weekdays and from 9am to midday on Saturdays.
The WTK Pharmacy is open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
Public Cafeteria
The public Cafeteria in the main entrance foyer of North Shore Hospital sells items such as magazines, packaged biscuits and treats, newspapers and floral gifts.
Market stalls
The HECTOR Trust markets are held each Thursday in the main entrance foyer of North Shore hospital. In the lead-up to Christmas, an additional Tuesday market is also held.
The market includes a variety of items, with stall-holders rotating from week to week.
Items for sale Include fruit and vegetables, plants, artisan cheese, children's toys, clothes and shoes, soaps, candles, jewellery, baking beauty products and much more. The markets help to raise money to provide patient comforts, medical equipment and staff scholarships. They operate from 8am-2pm.
Volunteer Shop
There is a volunteer-run shop opposite the public cafeteria at Waitakere Hospital. This shop sells items such as knitwear, toys, toiletries and books.
Proceeds raised are directed through the Well Foundation for priority projects to lift health outcomes and/or patient experience.
Due to the high demand on staff parking at North Shore Hospital, Waitakere Hospital and Karaka Street only recognised shift workers will be provided with parking access. For those working Monday to Friday please see the alternative options below. To park in staff parking areas you must attach a Waitematā DHB green parking permit to the drivers side of your vehicle's windscreen. You must also have a credit balance on your staff car park access card. Qualifying senior medical officers, on-call doctors and some midwives may be authorised by their respective General Managers to display a permit allowing them to park in dedicated areas.
The daily charge for staff parking is $3.00 valid for 24 hours from the time of first arrival. you may come and go as often as you wish within the 24 hour period on multiple sites. All car park patrons including staff have a 20 minute grace time on arrival. This allows drivers to collect or drop people off without charge. If you remain longer than 20 minutes charges accrue from the time of your arrival.
A car park permit and combined access card will be issued to eligible employees from the Security Admin Office and will be incorporated into your building access card. Please note Waitematā DHB does not guarantee carparking for staff. If allocated staff carparks are full, staff must not use patient or other public parking areas.
Alternatives to onsite parking
Offsite parking at North Shore Events Centre (NSEC) with free shuttle
Staff now have the option to park at North Shore Events Centre (NSEC) at a cost of $2.00 per day or $8.00 per week. There is a free shuttle service to and from North Shore Hospital which runs during the week.
The shuttle travels in both directions throughout the day, Monday to Friday.
First Shuttle leaves NSEC at 6:15am with the last one leaving NSEC at 11:45pm
See timetable for more information.
Pickups are from NSEC and the main entry of the Hospital every twenty minutes.
Staff also have the option of car-pooling from NSEC to the hospital, with guaranteed parking as long as there are at least three people in the car.
To register for off-site parking at NSEC please complete this form.
Find a carpool buddy or two and share your ride to work, knowing that there is carpool parks you can access on level 2 of the carpark building. Vehicles using the carpool spaces must contain two passengers or more and carpool permits for all occupants must be clearly visible through the car windscreen at all times. You cannot use these spaces if you are travelling alone one day and must instead park in the general car park space. Having multiple carpool buddies will give you more options particularly when you are working different shifts. Email sustainability@waitematadhb.govt.nz to apply for your carpool permit.
NB: this is only for staff eligible to park onsite
Catch the Bus
As part of the DHB workplace travel programme, Auckland transport is providing HOP cards and 14 day free trials for any staff member who does not hold a HOP card already. If you want to try using public transport to get to work and don't have a HOP card, the Sustainability team can help get you one. Email sustainability@waitematadhb.govt.nz to apply.
Cycle to Work
If you are looking to get fit, try cycling to work. The main bike cage is located at the back of the loading dock and there are also plans to introduce more secure cycling options in the future.There is a shower location list to spread access to showers across the building during peak times. Why not try using the Waitematā DHB e-bike to see whether electric assistance might make cycling an option? Email sustainability@waitematadhb.govt.nz to apply for your carpool permit. Ask to be added to the NSH Bike User Group to receive regular updates.
Motorbike and Mopeds
There are secure motorbike and bicycle parking cages available at the following locations:
- North Shore Hospital: At the rear of the tower block under the MRI
- Waitakere Hospital: Between Snelgar Building and Health West Building
Access can be granted by emailing security.admin@waitematadhb.govt.nz
Guaranteed Ride Home
A Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) is a Waitematā DHB provision for staff who are unable to get home with their carpooling group, or used another sustainable transport mode (including walking, cycling or public transport) on the day of the request, due to unscheduled mandatory overtime or personal emergencies. It is highly recommended that pre-approval be sought; however Waitematā DHB acknowledges this may not always be possible in emergency situations. Go to the StaffNet for more information and search controlled Documents for Staff Carpooling Scheme, Guaranteed Ride Home.
Daytime transport options
If you regularly carpool, cycle or use public transportation, you may find that you need access to a vehicle for personal purposes during the day for an urgent errand. There are local options for you to use for personal trips based at Smales Farm, including:
- Cityhop - New Zealand's first cars by the hour share company. You can rent a car, SUV, or van by the hour. For more information, visit www.cityhop.co.nz
- Kwikli - electric moped sharing service helps Kiwis save time, money and our environment using vehicles that have zero emissions. The helmet is provided. For more information visit https://kwikli.co.nz
or try Waitematā DHB e-bike based in the North Shore Hospital bike cage:
- Email sustainability@waitematadhb.govt.nz to register in advance
- A helmet, visibility vest and bike lock are provided
- Book an e-bike online for local meetings or to trial riding an e-bike home and to work before you buy.
Street Parking
There are nearby streets where you can park without charge. Make sure you check the signs to avoid being fined for parking incorrectly.
More Information
If you would like to discuss your travel to work options, email sustainability@waitematadhb.govt.nz for assistance.
Waitemata DHB has electronic timesheets and rosters. Every employee will be required to
validate and approve electronically a fortnightly timesheet whether rostered or nonrostered. Your manager must then approve this timesheet for it to proceed through for
payment. Pay is direct credited fortnightly to your nominated bank account. This occurs
overnight on a Wednesday. Your manager will be able to tell you the week in which you will
first be paid.
Should your bank account details change, you will need to complete a Personal Details
Change form available from the Human Resources StaffNetsite.
Please note that your leader designation is how your role is loaded into Leader (our payroll
system) so this may differ from your job title.
Waitemata DHB’s Bullying and Harassment Policy ensures that any allegation of harassment
or bullying will be treated seriously and sensitively. Employees will be provided with support
and information about the options available to assist them should they have bullying or
harassment concerns.
Good recordkeeping practices are essential for the efficient and effective management of Waitemata DHB and also enable compliance with legislation - in particular the Public Records Act (PRA) 2005.
The entire DHB, from the Chief Executive to Managers and all staff, has responsibilities to practice sound recordkeeping processes - as stated in the Corporate Information Management Policy and in your Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement. All corporate records must be filed in the corporate repository, which are currently team folders on the shared network drive until we implement the proposed Electronic Content Management System (ECMS). A corporate record is any record that evidences and a Waitemata DHB legal transaction or business activity, and thus must not be kept in personal folders or in Outlook.
Please refer to the Records Management site on the Intranet once you start or contact our Corporate Records Manager on ext 48915.