For everything you need to know when you start at Waitemata DHB.
Awhina Education and Learning works collaboratively with tertiary training providers and provides development programmes for staff. It comprises the following centres
- Learning technologies, including e-learning
- Career and talent development
- Clinical skills and simulation
- Moving and Handling
- Learning and development, including organisational development
- Nursing development, providing learning and capability development to nurses in in-patient settings
- Primary Health Care Nursing, supporting capability development of the nursing workforce in primary healthcare settings
- Medical education and training unit focusing primarily on junior doctors.
All new staff are provided with a Waitemata DHD network login. This provides access to email, and the intranet (StaffNet) and the internet [see later this section]
Computer training in the use of Microsoft Outlook to manage your email and appointment calendar is available within the DHB. Visit the Computer Education page of StaffNet.
Staff should also familiarize themselves with the healthAlliance Electronic Mail Use policy on the DHB's StaffNet site.
Remote access from off-site is available. However, a remote access license is required in order to access:
- Outlook Web Access (email)
- A Virtual Private Network (VPN)
To gain access, you must seek approval and authority from the manager responsible for your service's budget.
EAP Works provides confidential counselling services to individual employees experiencing problems, whether work related or personal life concerns.
Workers are entitled to three free sessions per year. This is a confidential service between the staff member and EAP Works. No details are placed on your employment record and self-referral is encouraged. You can arrange an appointment by contacting EAP Works directly on 0800 735 343 email info@eapworks.co.nz. The cost for any additional sessions is charged to your department or service and permission is sought for this, but no details of who is accessing the treatment, or how many treatments have been used by any one person, will be made available.
EAP Works also offers group facilitation and group debriefing sessions. These sessions are arranged through your manager. Further information is made available on the Occupational health and Safety StaffNet site, or from your manager.
The online Employee Kiosk provides staff with instant access to key payroll and personal information. This includes past and present pay slips, leave balances and history, your profile and personal details (updatable by you). The Employee kiosk is safe, secure and available 24 hours a day. Online training in how to use Employee Kiosk is also available. Visit https://intranet/KioskApplication/ to get started.
He Kamaka Waiora is the name of the Maori Health Service Working both accross Auckland and Waitemata DHBs.
Their staff work in partnership with ward staff and DHB staff who work in the community to ensure patients and their whanau are supported while they are an inpatient, and are referred appropriately to community providers for support on discharge from hospital.
The service also provides outpatient support for those whanau who have difficulty attending clinics.
Kaumatua and Kula are also available to support staff. More details about He kamaka Waiora can be found on their staffNet site: https://staffnet/maorihealthservices/ and can be contacted directly on (09) 486 8324 or Ext: 42324